Saturday, September 15, 2012


Water; A miracle...

To begin with, the first miracle is that i am writing this blog, LoL, YES i'm 22 and  this is my very first blog. So here's a little about me, i'm not really fond of reading (i.e reading books, novels newspapers/ magazines etc...) or WRITING... i am more of a person who likes to draw,sketch,paint etc... 

So what caused me to miraculously start blogging today...? 

Well its simple.... WATER !

So today i was going through a health article and i came across a quote 

'Water is the only drink for a wise man.' -Henry David Thoreau 

This took me back somewhere around my 1st grade science book that said  body is made of 60% Water. Made me wonder how essential it is to life. In fact Water is LIFE, it can contain life within it. It is so essential that none of the human body organs would function well if Water intake is not well maintained. Its just common that we take this miracle for granted. And yet some of us say "Miracles don't happen" , well my answer to that is; true that they dont happen, they are already there, we re just too blind to see them.

To read more about the importance of water Click here :)


  1. Hellooo..when did you start blogging? niceeeeee, keep writing. Good start :D keep it up...

    1. Just then ! haha thanks Aamir i was inspired by you and a few other factors :)
